I'm a researcher at ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab – in the Electromagnetism and Radar Department. I am working on the analysis of remote sensing images, with a focus on SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images.
Since 2022 Research Scientist @ ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab Electromagnetism and Radar Department
2018 – 2022 Early-stage Researcher @ Institut d'Optique Graduate School Charles Fabry Laboratory
2016 (4 months) Research Assistant @ École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement
2018 – 2022 Université Paris-Saclay PhD in Applied Physics 🏆 Accessit to the 2023 Graduate School of Engineering and Systems Science thesis prize
2014 – 2018 École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay MSc in Control, Signal & Image Processing MSc in Electrical Engineering 🏆 Lauréat de l'Agrégation de Sciences Industrielles
2012 – 2014 Lycée Sainte-Geneviève (Ginette) Classe préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles
I'm also passionate by Robotics. During my undergraduate studies, I've cofounded Mr. Robotics, an open source software and hardware project to easily build an autonomous robot.
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, L. Cognet and F. Goudail, "On the equivalence of binary phase masks optimized for localization or detection in extended depth-of-field localization microscopy," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40, 1753-1761 (2023) Editors' Pick Closed access | HAL Open Archives | Free reading access
Q. Gresil, A. Lee, O. Lévêque, K. Caicedo, B. Martín Muñoz, C. Kulcsár, F. Goudail, P. Bon and L. Cognet, "A Binary Annular Phase Mask to Regulate Spherical Aberration and Allow Super-Localization in Single-Particle Tracking over Extended Depth-of-Focus," Optics Communications (2023) Closed access | arXiv Open Archives | Free reading access
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, A. Lee, P. Bon, L. Cognet and F. Goudail, "On the validity domain of maximum likelihood estimators for depth-of-field extension in single-molecule localization microscopy," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 39, 37-43 (2022) Editors' Pick Closed access | HAL Open Archives | Free reading access
O. Lévêque, R. Duverger, H. Sauer, C. Kulcsár, and F. Goudail, "Influence of high numerical aperture on depth-of-field enhancing phase mask optimization in localization microscopy," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 38, 1380-1390 (2021) Closed access | HAL Open Archives | Free reading access
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, and F. Goudail, "Comparison of linear and nonlinear deconvolution algorithms for co-optimization of depth-of-field enhancing binary phase masks," OSA Continuum 4, 589-601 (2021) Open access | HAL Open Archives | Reading access
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, A. Lee, H. Sauer, A. Aleksanyan, P. Bon, L. Cognet, and F. Goudail, "Co-designed annular binary phase masks for depth-of-field extension in single-molecule localization microscopy," Opt. Express 28, 32426-32446 (2020) Open access | HAL Open Archives | Reading access
N. Trouvé, N. Letheule, O. Lévêque, I. Rami and É. Colin, "SAR image synthesis using text conditioned pre-trained generative AI models," EUSAR 2024; 15th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Munich, Germany, 2024, pp. 1387-1392 Closed access | HAL Open Archives | Free reading access
T. Houret, O. Lévêque, F. Mbow, N. Trouvé, X. Husson and A. Jouadé, "Comparison of Indirect Surrogate Models in a Very Large Scene SAR Simulator for Uncertainty Propagation," EUSAR 2024; 15th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Munich, Germany, 2024, pp. 480-485 Closed access
T. Houret, O. Lévêque, N. Trouvé, R. Bocheux, X. Husson and A. Jouadé, "Calibration of a Radar Cross-section Model using a Surrogate Model Optimization Algorithm," 2023 IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR), Sydney, Australia, 2023, pp. 1-6 Closed access | HAL Open Archives | Free reading access
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, and F. Goudail, "Can better performance be obtained when an imaging system is co-optimized with a nonlinear deconvolution algorithm?," Proc. SPIE 11866, Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XVIII and Electro-Optical Remote Sensing XV, 118660A (13 September 2021) Closed access | HAL Open Archives
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, A. Lee, P. Bon, L. Cognet, and F. Goudail, "How to assess depth-of-field extension strategies applied to single-molecule super-resolution microscopes?," in OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2021 (3D, COSI, DH, ISA, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper CF4B.5 Closed access | HAL Open Archives | Free reading access
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, H. Sauer, A. Lee, P. Bon, L. Cognet, and F. Goudail, "Can phase masks extend depth-of-field in localization microscopy?," Proc. SPIE 11351, Unconventional Optical Imaging II, 113510E (13 October 2020) Closed access | HAL Open Archives | Free reading access
O. Lévêque, "Co-conception de systèmes d'imagerie pour l'extension de profondeur de champ — Application à la localisation de molécule unique," PhD Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (2022) Accessit to the 2023 Graduate School of Engineering and Systems Science thesis prize Open access | HAL Open Archives | Reading access
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, A. Lee, P. Bon, L. Cognet, and F. Goudail. "Masques de phases optimisés pour l’augmentation de profondeur de champ en microscopie de molécules uniques (MASK)," Présentation scientifique – projets de l’appel 2019, AG du GdR-ISIS (CNRS), June 2021, Biarritz, France.
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, and F. Goudail. "Quelle influence peut avoir le modèle d'imagerie sur l'optimisation de masques de phase augmentant la profondeur de champ en microscopie de localisation ?," Journée Co-conception de systèmes hybrides, GdR-ISIS (CNRS), May 2021, Online Only, France.
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, and F. Goudail. "Obtient-on de meilleures performances lorsqu'un système d'imagerie est co-optimisé avec un algorithme de déconvolution non linéaire ?," Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, GdR-ISIS (CNRS), March 2021, Online Only, France.
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, and F. Goudail. "Co-conception en imagerie PALM : comment imager dans les milieux épais ?," Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, GdR-ISIS (CNRS), March 2020, Paris, France.
O. Lévêque. "Augmentation de la profondeur de champ d’un système d’imagerie pour la localisation de molécules uniques," Séminaire des doctorants, LCF-IOGS, January 2020, Palaiseau, France.
O. Lévêque, C. Kulcsár, and F. Goudail. "Optimisation de masques de phase binaires pour l’augmentation de la profondeur de champ en imagerie de la molécule unique," Journée Co-conception de systèmes hybrides, GdR-ISIS (CNRS), October 2019, Paris, France.
O. Lévêque. "L’infiniment petit sous observation : Finale MT180 Université Paris-Saclay," Ma Thèse en 180 secondes, March 2020, Palaiseau, France. Watch on YouTube